Mit visz a víz?...a víz mindent visz. / What does water carry? Water carries everything

Itt-ott, egyes lamellákon a nagy ujjlenyomat csíkjaiból kirajzolódva, vagy egészen direkt módon, oda nem illő tárgyakat fedezhetünk majd fel. Mik ezek? És mit keresnek itt? Semmit. Csak úgy vannak. Csak úgy, ahogy a tárgyak lenni szoktak. Vannak, aztán elvesznek. A Szövetség39 és a Nextlab tervezői egy-egy apró személyes tárggyal gondoltuk hitelesíteni részvételünket a munkában. Kedves felfedezés volt a földszinti üvegfalra rajzolt fej, amit az építkezésen dolgozó valamelyik vidám munkás szignálhat.
háát...pontosan erről van szó! :)
Here and there, on some panels, one can spot objects that do not belong there. These are either placed directly, or formed by traces of finger prints. What are these? And why are they here? No reason at all. They are just there. Just like the objects scattered in space elsewhere. Now they are there, and in the next moment they disappear. The designers of Szövetség39 and Nextlab wanted to give a personal touch through placing little something of their own on the panels. We discovered an interesting detail on the groundfloor panel, a head drawn probably by one of the construction workers. And that’s what this is all about!
What does water carry? Water carries everything
Here and there, on some panels, one can spot objects that do not belong there. These are either placed directly, or formed by traces of finger prints. What are these? And why are they here? No reason at all. They are just there. Just like the objects scattered in space elsewhere. Now they are there, and in the next moment they disappear. The designers of Szövetség39 and Nextlab wanted to give a personal touch through placing little something of their own on the panels.
We discovered an interesting detail on the groundfloor panel, a head drawn probably by one of the construction workers.
And that’s what this is all about!
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