Negyedik nap... / The 4th Day

A kész hatos egységeket beforgatjuk…lassan artikulálódnak az összefüggések. Reméljük az időjárás engedi, hogy holnap is folytassuk a munkát. Ha minden jól megy, a fiúk azt mondták, szombatra befejezik a szerelést.
The finished units are being rotated…the context is slowly getting its final shape. Hopefully the weather would allow us to continue our work tomorrow as well. If everything goes well, the boys promised to assemble it by Saturday.
The 4th Day
The finished units are being rotated…the context is slowly getting its final shape. Hopefully the weather would allow us to continue our work tomorrow as well. If everything goes well, the boys promised to assemble it by Saturday.
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