Hatodik nap... / The 6th Day

Egy kivételével ma felkerült az összes tábla. Hurrá! Ennek nagyon örültünk a fiúkkal. Hétfőn beforgatjuk az egész felületet síkba és leellenőrizzük a mintát. Hétfőn kerül sor az egyes lamellák átvételére is. Valószínű, hogy néhányat vissza kell majd vinnünk a gyárba, javítgatás végett.
Today, all the panels (all except one) were installed. Hooray! We were were happy about it. On Monday we would rotate the panels into one plane, doublecheck the pattern, and do the take-over. Couple of them would probably have to be taken back to the factory to get repaired.
The 6th Day
Today, all the panels (all except one) were installed. Hooray! We were were happy about it. On Monday we would rotate the panels into one plane, doublecheck the pattern, and do the take-over. Couple of them would probably have to be taken back to the factory to get repaired.
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